søndag 15. november 2009

Woody virker

..."this is not the feel good movie of the year. So if you're one of those idiots who needs to feel good, go get yourself a foot massage. "

Det går år mellom hver gang jeg ser en ny amerikansk film, av den enkle grunn at jeg går lite på kino. Og at gjennomsnittlig levealder for mitt kjønn kun er på ca. 78 år. Woody Allens dialoger har dog ofte - i motsetning til resten av Holywoods jevnt over intetsigende tomsnakk - i seg selv vært nok til å la dvd-spilleren få kjøre seg en tur. "Whatever works" (som først har premiere i Danmark primo 2010) skuffer da heller ikke når det kommer til dialogene, dette er klassisk allensk sortsyn når det er som mørkest og morsomst.
Selve fortellingen er i tynneste laget og i hovedrollen halter Larry David i dobbelt forstand, men når nivået på "the babble" er såpass høyt ender jeg likevel med en anbefaling. Se den i en stue nær deg.

Her et klipp:

"What the hell does it all mean anyhow? Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nothing comes to anything. And yet, there's no shortage of idiots to babble. Not me. I have a vision. I'm discussing you. Your friends. Your coworkers. Your newspapers. The TV. Everybody's happy to talk. Full of misinformation. Morality, science, religion, politics, sports, love, your portfolio, your children, health. Christ, if I have to eat nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day to live, I don't wanna live. I hate goddamn fruits and vegetables. And your omega 3's, and the treadmill, and the cardiogram, and the mammogram, and the pelvic sonogram, and oh my god the-the-the colonoscopy, and with it all the day still comes where they put you in a box, and its on to the next generation of idiots, who'll also tell you all about life and define for you what's appropriate. My father committed suicide because the morning newspapers depressed him. And could you blame him? With the horror, and corruption, and ignorance, and poverty, and genocide, and AIDS, and global warming, and terrorism, and-and the family value morons, and the gun morons. "The horror," Kurtz said at the end of Heart of Darkness, "the horror." Lucky Kurtz didn't have the Times delivered in the jungle. Ugh... then he'd see some horror."

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